I wish the Pulse can detect the tempo of the song or music piece played. I can really imagine how useful and cool this would be.
The smartphone would use the built in microphone to create a recording of the song you play. The recording is then analyzed and can tell you the BPM of the music you played. Ideally this would happen in real-time, or easier to build would be to analyze the recordingat the end once it’s finished.
An extra function could be when e.g. you listen to a song and want to play along (or dance along) the app could automatically match the BPM and phase, lock in and then also send that information to wearables who lock in as well.
Wow, this would be a very high tech top of the line feature. Almost like a tempo finding version of the app “Shazam.”
This was a feature in the now-defunct Apple Music Memos app. It really helped with my songwriting. I had a tempo/rhythm but I couldn’t maintain it consistently throughout the song. This would really help correct that.
“It would be realy useful if the metronome could get timing from an original track being played. So it listens to a track and then deduces the bpm and sets up a metronome to mimic. This would be especially useful for cover bands who play others music and want to get close to the original material.”
There is an app called liveBPM which does this. I use it all the time and it is great- not only to determine the tempo of a song, but as a playing aid, too. If you have it visible whilst playing you can see in real time if you are speeding up or slowing down. Great both for practice and for playing live, as a confidence booster.
If similar functionality could be included in the Soundbrenner metronome that would be great.
“An application that can “hear” what is being played, determine and display the BPM. And, as the speed of the piece played accelerates or decreases, show the current BPM.”
waiting for you to add the Shazam Auto detect BPM feature to buy my third watch for my wife, who is a dancer.