Add an option to have the human voice count the half beats as “and” So that the voice would say “one and, two and, three and. four and.
Do the count for whole half quarter and 16th notes. Eg half note1&2, quarter note1E&2, sixteenth note 1E&A2E&A3E&A4E&A
I reearched this topic quite a bit, and after several hours I wrote the following logic.If anyone has feedback on this topic, now would be the perfect time!
When is hold used? It appears when two things should be said even though only 1 beat would be typically played in the case of a regular metronome sound.
Examples with a 4/4 time signature for different subdivisions:
Quarter note
1; 2; 3; 4
Two eighth notes
1 &; 2 &; 3 &; 4 &
Eighth rest and eighth note
(rest) &; (rest) &; (rest) &; (rest) &
Eight note triplet
1 trip-let; 2 trip-let; 3 trip-let; 4 trip-let
Triplet with eighth rest and two eighth notes
(rest) trip-let; (rest) trip-let; (rest) trip-let; (rest) trip-let
Triplet with eight eighth note, eighth rest and eighth note
1 (rest) let; 2 (rest) let; 3 (rest) let; 4 (rest) let
Triplet with two eighth notes and eighth rest
1 trip (rest); 2 trip (rest); 3 trip (rest); 4 trip (rest)
Triplet with eighth rest, eighth note and eighth rest
(rest) trip (rest); (rest) trip (rest); (rest) trip (rest); (rest) trip (rest)
Four sixteenth note
1 E & A; 2 E & A; 3 E & A; 4 E & A
Sixteenth rest, sixteenth note, sixteenth rest and sixteenth note
(rest) E (rest) A; (rest) E (rest) A; (rest) E (rest) A; (rest) E (rest) A
Two sixteenth notes and eighth note
1 E & (hold A); 2 E & (hold A); 3 E & (hold A); 4 E & (hold A)
(This seems difficult to code … the AI suggests to say out & A during the eight note duration)
Eighth note and two sixteenth notes
1 (hold E) & A; 2 (hold E) & A; 3 (hold E) & A; 4 (hold E) & A
Dotted eighth note and sixteenth note
(dotted lasts 50% longer)
1 (hold E and &) A; 2 (hold E and &) A; 3 (hold E and &) A; 4 (hold E and &) A
Sixteenth note and dogged eighth note
1 E (hold & and A); 2 E (hold & and A); 3 E (hold & and A); 4 E (hold & and A
Sixteenth note, eighth note and sixteenth note
1 E (hold &) A; 2 E (hold &) A; 3 E (hold &) A; 4 E (hold &) A
What about different time signatures, e.g. x/1 or x/2 or x/8?
Basically they are counted the same, a 4/1 time signature with half notes would have the exact same counting as a 4/4 time signature with eight notes. The only thing that is relevant here is the firset digit of the time signature, e.g. a 7/8 time signature with a sixteenth notes subdivision would be counted: 1 &; 2 &; 3 &; 4 &; 5 &; 6 &; 7; or with a eighth note subdivision 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7.